Xyhlo biofinish has cultivated and matured through the help of many noteworthy, horizontal- and vertical complimentary partners. All parties have been committed to the development of a completely bio-based and environmentally friendly coating suitable for Western European softwood species. With the ultimate goal of extending the longevity of our local wood species to the second class.
The organisations participating in the developments associated with Xyhlo biofinish are:
- CBS (Fungal Biodiversity Institute)
- TU/e (Technical University of Eindhoven)
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Imenz Bioengineering
- Delft Patents
- BioGeoCivil
- Van der Zalm Metaalbouw
- Schiele Coating Intelligence
Mid 2015 an extensive joint venture with Saxion University of Applied Sciences has been initiated in which deeper questions regarding sustainability, fire integrity and applications of the coating are being raised.